Thursday, January 5, 2012

FAST and furious

Day 3 of my 21 day fast was a beast of a day.  WATER AND JUICES ONLY!  It was tough.  Started my day off totally wrong.  Not thinking before I acted, I woke up, drank some tea and took my vitamins.  WHY DID I TAKE VITAMINS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! 2 seconds was not a pretty picture.  But I can promise you that I will NEVER do that again.

The rest of the day just felt soooooooo long.  No food can make for a grouchy household.  Between the many bathroom breaks and watching my kids eat the juicy hamburgers I have seen in my life, this day was truly a test of will power and strength.  Well, I passed the test, but not with an A:-(.  I'm sorry but I needed something.  So a baked potato with broccolli caused me to have a less than perfect grade.

But I'm still standing.  And I'm able to make it through the day.  This is teaching me that I don't NEED half of the stuff that I eat during the day.  And I think the same can go for things in my life.  I don't think I need half of the things that I have in my life.  Do I really need over 20 scarves,  do I really need 30 hats.    So I am not only purging my body....I'm purging my life.


  1. You made it through--that's half the battle right there. Will be with you next week!!

  2. You have GOT to be one of the funniest people I know. LOL. Hilarious!!! Hang in there! :)
